Standardization committees are open to all interested parties in the concerned field.

The role of the members of a standardization committee is to participate actively and constructively in the work of this committee. In practice, in the case of the mirror committees managed by BCRC, it consists essentially in issuing, as an expert, comments on the draft European and international standards at the various stages of their development, and to contribute to the formulation of a Belgian national position when voting. The vast majority of the work of the mirror committees is done electronically.

If you wish to participate in the works of one of these committees, please send us back one of the membership application forms below. Two statutes exist: active member and passive member. Both give access to all the documents and allow sending comments. However, consideration of comments emanating from a passive member is left to the sole appreciation of the committee and does not constitute an obligation.

Membership application as active member: PDF online soon Membership application as passive member: PDF online soon Rules of Procedure: PDF online soon

If you wish to receive these forms into editable Word format, thank you for contacting us.